Training Others to Save Lives

Persuasively Communicating the
Pro-Life Message

The Case for Life like you've never heard it before.

Millions of Christian students are ill-equipped to stand for life.

We’re on a Mission to Change That

Equipping Christians to Defend Their Unborn Neighbors Since 2004

Life Training Institute equips Christians to make a persuasive case for life. The primary way we fulfill our mission is to make pro-life apologetics presentations in Catholic and Protestant high schools, universities, and worldview conferences. We also help pregnancy resource centers with banquet speaking so they can reach those most at risk for abortion, students 15-24. Our presentations are featured on nationally syndicated programs like Focus on the Family, Truths that Transform, Ava Maria Radio, and Issues, Etc.–to name a few.

Your Next Event Can Save Lives


Life trajectories are altered in a moment. Give your students the training they need now in order to make logically informed decisions for themselves, and defend the unborn with others, for the rest of their lives.

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Pregnancy Resource Centers depend on strong banquet speakers to help move donors from attitudinal opposition to abortion to behavioral opposition to abortion. LTI’s speakers can do just that to help you expand your impact.

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LTI speakers will engage your audience with content that inspires them to take action.

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Meet Our Speakers

Our speakers don’t preach; they engage! They’ve mastered the moral logic of the pro-life position and make the best arguments understandable to both Christian and non-Christian listeners.

Scott Klusendorf
Scott Klusendorf
Atlanta, GA
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Jannique Stewart
Chesterfield, MO
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Leslie Neal Segraves
Tampa, FL
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“When it comes to the controversial issues of our day, it’s really difficult to actually get to a point where you get light instead of just heat, where you actually get calm, reasoned discussion instead of just a bunch of flame throwing and mud slinging, and that’s why I love LTI. All of their speakers are committed to defending something that’s extremely important — the dignity of all human life, including, and especially, the unborn. But they’re committed to doing it in a gracious, compassionate way. I’ve seen thousands — literally thousands — of students trained from the speakers of LTI, like Scott and the other part of his team, and when they leave, they’re not only equipped personally to think well about the life issue, they are actually equipped to take and use those same arguments. It’s some of the most repeatable, usable, and articulate training that I’ve ever seen done in any area—and it’s done in one of the most controversial issues of our day, the issue of abortion. And so without reservation, I recommend the work of LTI. If you’re a school administrator, bring them in, let them train your students. You’ll see the difference in their thinking and in their action immediately.”

John Stonestreet Co-host of BreakPoint, The Chuck Colson Center

“Scott first grabbed my attention when Focus on the Family featured one of his presentations on its national broadcast. I was struck by his ability to communicate truth so clearly and insightfully. I’ve heard many speakers who deliver excellent content, but few who can actually equip people to communicate their pro-life convictions to a secular culture. In fact, I was so impressed with Scott’s talk that I phoned him directly to learn more about his work. After that, I scheduled him as a keynote speaker for our own Breakpoint conference.”

Chuck Colson Founder, Prison Fellowship

“I’d have to say that Megan is a first-rank communicator. Not only does she carry a solid knowledge base in ethics, philosophy, theology, Bible, and science, but she can integrate it all and communicate it all like a pro. On top of that she has a wonderful stage presence — authentic and exciting — and knows how to read an audience. I found her talks very interesting and engaging, and at the same time sensitive and full of life. She has what it takes to communicate pro-life issues and apologetics to everyone from junior high students to university academics. She is one of the best big-platform speakers I’ve seen in a long time.”

Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D. Founder and Director, Christian Apologetics
Graduate Program Biola University

“Michael Spencer came to Lansing Catholic High School and spoke to all of our grade levels, freshman to senior. He did an amazing job of connecting with students of varying ages and backgrounds. I have never before received such positive student feedback about a speaker. Mike delved deep into the abortion debate and yet brought the students along step by step. This was an eye-opener for our students, and even those who were firmly in the pro-life camp found new motivation to go make a difference. We would love to have Mike return again to give us further training in pro-life apologetics.”

Fr. Gordon Reigle Chaplain, Lansing Catholic High School
Lansing, Michigan

“I am so grateful for the work of Scott Klusendorf and the Life Training Institute. Scott began training me in pro-life apologetics when I was a college student back in 1999. Because of his inspirational example, intentional formation, and encouraging guidance, I am a full-time pro-life apologist and have been for almost two decades. Scott has a brilliant mind and winsome personality. He knows how to kindly communicate truth, build bridges, and guide people over to the reasonableness of the pro-life perspective. He is a courageous leader, tireless fighter, and excellent teacher.”

Stephanie Gray President, Love Unleashes Life, Maple Ridge, BC

“Jannique did an outstanding job; she was clear in her voice, and the message was delivered in a very welcoming but informed tone. She connected with the students and engaged well with our young men. It was all science and facts with no hysteria or emotionalism, which frequently turns people away from the topic.

As I looked around, it was clear they were listening with interest and respect. Jannique is a great rep for your institution. Jannique was able to tailor her remarks for an all male audience, and that was very effective. One of our long time priests said it’s the best pro-life presentations he’s heard in 30 years! Thanks!”

Fr. James Day DeMatha Catholic High School
Hyattsville, Maryland

“Megan is a polished and professional presenter and her presentation had quite an impact on our school. I will try to give some sense of just how powerful and on target her presentation was.

First the comments.  Many students said it was the best presentation we had offered in their four years at Divine Child.  Teachers complemented me on bringing in such a polished and effective speaker.  My principal said that in his fourteen years of being in Catholic education it was the best he had seen.

Students were particularly impressed by the way Megan presented a logical case for the pro-life position.  Many students said it “just made sense to them.” after hearing her speak.  Students also liked the fact that she strongly disagreed with the pro-choice position without demonizing those who might hold it.  She reminded the students several times that there are real human beings, hurting human beings, on all sides of the issue.  Megan even reached some of our most aloof students whose favorite answer is usually the opposite of whatever the Church teaches.

After presenting for two hours straight Megan then took questions from a group of students who stayed behind.  The ease with which she answered these students questions, some of which were very difficult, and the deep level of knowledge that she displayed while doing so was very impressive.  Some people are good at delivering a presentation, others at responding on the fly.  There are very few people who can do both really well.  Megan is one of those.

Megan even spent time in some of our classrooms later in the day.  This was really an unexpected bonus.  It was also very gracious of her after an already long day.

I would tell anyone who is thinking of inviting Megan into their school to do it.  Don’t hesitate.  Get her on your calendar as soon as you can.  It will be one of the best decisions you will make this year.  You will get a professional, lively, smart presentation.  You will get a presenter who is fluent in logic, philosophy, and science when presenting the case for life but also one who always keeps Christ unambiguously at the center.  We were blessed to be able to get Megan Almon to speak to our school.”

Marc Sierra Campus Minister, Divine Child High School
Dearborn, Michigan

“I couldn’t be more happy or impressed with Megan Almon and the people at LTI. Megan was beyond professional, prepared, polished and yet extremely relational. The issue of abortion is arguably the greatest issue of our time and I’m convinced the church can never be too prepared for these conversations. Equipping students with the knowledge of science, philosophy and the gospel is the least we can do to help them engage a world that desperately needs Jesus and practical pro-life truth. Megan is a person that does that as well as anybody. I take great seriousness in the people who address our students. Without question, Megan is the real deal and I would not hesitate to have her back.”

Shane Ecklund Young Adult Pastor, Grace Chapel
Franklin, Tennessee

“I’ve gone to Catholic school my whole life…What I admired most about your presentation to me was this was the first case against abortion that I’ve heard that does not require a leap of faith. You proved your points with science and philosophy….After your talk, people who were in your audience began really talking about the issue.”

Alex, St. Joseph's High School Philosophy Club President, St. Joseph's High School

“Our thanks to Megan, you, and Life Training Institute!  I thought the presentation was terrific!  She engaged with students wonderfully with down-to-earth explanation of sophisticated and often emotionally-charged ideas, made accessible through lively story-telling, clear examples, compelling logic, and gentle humor.   Megan was gracious in her delivery, respectful of the time constraints that shaped the event, and very kind to make herself available after the presentation to answer individual questions.    Her tone was refreshing, sincere, winning.  I’m sure you must be very proud of her ministry!”

Brother Tom Principal, Malden Catholic High School
Malden, Massachusetts

“Yesterday you came and talked to my high school, Archbishop Spaulding, about pro-life. It made a big difference on how I thought about abortion. I was totally for abortion and I thought that pro-life was just plain stupid. I have totally changed my mind after I listened to the pro-life point of view. Upon watching the video of aborted fetuses, I felt my stomach turn and I thought, “How could anybody do this? How could anyone be so cruel and self absorbed as to kill an unborn baby who doesn’t have a say in that decision?” Then I thought, “Oh my gosh, I think that!” I was totally ashamed at how selfish I had been. Before the assembly, I didn’t want to listen to what you had to say. I was going to nap during your speech…until I saw that video. Now, I am totally changed forever. Keep doing what you do!”

Brittany, age 15

“We had something happen that we have never experienced and it was something that you can’t put a price tag on—six pro-choice people specifically told us they rethought their stands on abortion and some of them are now pro-life! Our total raised at this point is $246,000—which comes to $351 per person, one of our best nights ever. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!…The banquet was absolutely awesome! Scott Klusendorf did a fantastic job and was so easy to work with. I was very thankful for how he mingled and talked with the guests. We have received many comments that Scott was the best speaker that we have ever had! He handled everything perfectly!”

Faye Hill President and CEO, Low Country Pregnancy Center
Charleston, SC


Let me fill ya in why I say so. Of course she covered the issue and apologetics with excellence, but she also painted such a beautiful picture of God and the Gospel!
I have been ministering to a guy name Jesse. He is a great guy. Unreal guitarist. He’s lost. He had a Meth addiction and he looks like Jack Sparrow. No joke. I’ve been helping Jim and his dad. Mowing their yard and just serving them. Last night he said “I want to go to that Bible study thing.” It had been 25 years since he had been in church. I almost told him to come another night because of the “pro-life” talk. But I’m so glad God did not let me listen to my stupid side (yeah I have one). He came and was blown away with her graciousness and yet boldness. We had great conversations afterwards and he is coming back with me this Sunday. Amazing!!! The picture she painted and the power of her ideas about a persons value because of their divine spark was so empowering to him. Well done!!!! I did not get to talk with her as she was crowded with admirers. I went off with Jesse and discussed the evening. Please tell her about this story. God really used her!”

Tony Nolan Evangelist, Author

“Once again, I have to say having Jannique visit our school is a true blessing every time. She has such a wonderful, upbeat spirit and speaks the Truth about life with so much love and understanding for her audience. She delivers a powerful, relevant message using technology and references to pop culture- captivating our students and inviting them to think critically about the human rights issue of our day. She also went out her way to stop in classrooms and cafeteria for some Q & A interaction.

Thanks again for all the Life Training Institute does and thanks to the benefactor who made this possible!”

Fr. John A. Rossi, S.T.L. Director of Catholic Identity, Paul VI High School
Haddonfield, New Jersey

“We are so grateful that Jannique was able to come to our school and speak! A couple of positives.
1. We were able to get a large number of students interested in our annual March For Life trip (So her effect on them was very tangible)
2. There was a great amount of discussion the rest of the week in religion classes
3. Perhaps the best credit should go to her willingness to talk to smaller groups of students during their religion classes. People said these were the best part of the whole experience, and something I’d be excited to replicate in the future.
4. Her talk was inspiring and the students appreciated having her visit! All in all it was a great day that I’m sure will bear a lot of fruit in the future! Thank you for your flexibility and encouragement. May God bless you!”

Fr. Ed Bresnahan Chaplain, Bishop Ireton High School
Alexandria, Virginia

“I would just like to say that many of the students came to me to find out if they could volunteer to work for your foundation!–they were that touched and moved by Jannique Stewart.  Having had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Stewart after her presentation, we decided that getting the students involved with an organization like Rachel’s Vineyard, would be a good start.  The students have approached me since the retreat, and I will be making contact with RV to get them going.
Thank you again, for sending such a dynamic individual, who was able to make a connection with out students, where they actually sought out an opportunity to make a difference.”

Camille Lewandowski Paramus Catholic High School
Paramus, New Jersey

LTI in 5 Minutes

Upcoming Events

Scott Klusendorf Thursday, October 17, 2024
Flint, Michigan
Genesys Conference & Banquet Center, Pregnancy Resource Center of Flint, Annual Fundraising Banquet 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Scott Klusendorf Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Mays Family Center, Texas
2024 Celebrating Life Gala for SA Pregnancy Care Center 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Jannique Stewart Friday, October 25, 2024 - Saturday, October 26, 2024
Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, Florida
Hope Women’s Annual Fundraising Gala 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Scott Klusendorf Friday, November 1, 2024
Providence, Rhode Island
Harmony Women’s Care Banquet 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm


We’re committed to making an apologetic case for life. Our articles, blog posts, and media are all available free of charge, to help you defend your unborn neighbors.

The 5 Minute Pro-Lifer

Short on time? Defend your pro-life views in five minutes or less with these quick reads.

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The Case For Life

Need a good dose of confidence before talking to friends or critics? Get it with this extended case for unborn lives.

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Pro-Life Thinking Podcast

All you need are earphones–Strengthen your pro-life case with every listen.

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Abortion is here to stay as long as millions of Christians predisposed to accept our view and contend for it never actually get pro-life training. Christian students are vital to building that coalition. Life Training Institute works tirelessly to reach and train students and advocates. We are 100% donor supported, and if you share our passion for the pro-life cause, please consider supporting us financially.